No time for User Experience

Un articol bun de pe UX Magazine ce ar trebui sa fie dat ca exemplu fiecarui Head, Team Leader, Project Manager sau Stakeholder care considera ca partea de User Experience poate fi lasata pe locul doi. Dar in acelasi timp poate reprezenta o lectura placuta pentru orice persoana implicata direct in procesul de dezvoltare al unui produs/unei aplicatii de orice natura.

” Whenever somebody tells you to hurry up and “do all this user experience stuff later,” you can be sure they have a total misunderstanding of what user experience is and what it entails.

Ladies and gentlemen: user experience is always present. It’s not something you can skip now and do later. If you decide to move past the design-focused activities to the next phase of the project, you’ll create a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) with shitty user experience. User experience is present whether you design for it or not, and if you don’t take care of it, it will just get out of control. ”

I bet for your users your design is your product. „

User Experience or Speed? pe

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